Welcome to my blog. I document my last shootings, show behind the scenes videos and pics. Hope you have a nice stay!
All in Portraits
Fashion Designs:
Lea Kasper and Elisa Henniger
With Lorine Hosch, Tara Gomes and The Royal Freshness
Collage from The Royal Freshness
Score production for Animation movie Croc-Blanc in Luxembourg conservatoire. Interview with Alexandre Espigares, Bruno Coulais and Gast Waltzing for CityMag Luxembourg (Maison Moderne)
Le suspense entourant le Prix de l’Innovation dans l’Artisanat 2017 «The Hands of Innovation» a pris fin jeudi soir avec la cérémonie officielle de remise des prix au Tramsschapp à Luxembourg. La société Annen plus S.A. remporte le Grand Prix alors que cinq autres entreprises sont récompensées dans les différentes catégories.
Design: Carla Sanfleber
Model: Paula Klas
Fotografie: Edouard Olszewski
"How does the craft Tradition continue today? The answer in images after the LES METIERS D'ANTAN exhibition from the treasures of the Phototheque"
Photographic Reportage in Luxembourg Firemen brigade for City Magazine Luxembourg (Maison Moderne)
Model: Katkiddo
Styling: Veronique Schweizer
MUA. Jamie da Luz
Photography: Edouard Olszewski
Special thanks to Margreth from memode.de for providing us with wedding dresses
@wbkruhackebeiltoni for Svenja Woltmann and her project "L.A. Saharienne- Follow me into wasteland" based on a book from @flohrschuetz and @wbkruhackebeiltonihimself. Shot with a Hasselblad 500 C/M and Kodak rolls
A summer of festivals in Luxembourg Kirchberg for City Mag (Maison Moderne). Article written by Sophie Kieffer
Atiquität Kottmeier, Modeshooting in Trier, Fashion Fotografie
Portraits of Francois François Biltgen luxemburgischer Politiker und Richter am Europäischen Gerichtshof. PAPERJAM - Maison Moderne shot at the European Court of Justice.