Project CityMag Oct. 2017 - Regards sur l'artisanat (Cover - Portraits)
Project CityMag Oct. 2017 - Regards sur l'artisanat
"How does the craft Tradition continue today? The answer in images after the LES METIERS D'ANTAN exhibition from the treasures of the Phototheque"
Author: Christophe Chohin
Photography: Edouard Olszewski // Phototheque de la Ville de Luxembourg
Pierre Rossy - Schroeder Joaillers Luxembourg Grand Rue - Sept 2017
Photo: Leon Bück 1942
David Mazzoni - Sept. 2017
Edmond Libens - Stadt Brauerei - Sept. 2017
Guy Hoffmann - Sept. 2017
Photo: Theo Mey - 1954
Fabrice Salvador - La Cristallerie - Sept. 2017
Louis Bley par Paul Aschmann - 1956