Edouard Olszewski Fotografie

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Theater - Everywhere in the city!

Following the preparation of Idomeneo, I had the occasion to shoot a few of our actors in Trierer Kaiserthement in a Classical painting pastiche. You have probably seen it in the press?

Idomeneo in the press along with Dr. Jekyll & Hyde resurrection - (Layout design (Ensch-Media)

Those were naturally done on-location, trying to exaggerate on purpose every aspects of the phtoographs to give them the comics/painting look.

There we used a beauty-dish as a key and a large umbrella as a fill. 

and the result...

But that is not all! There are a few buses running up the city covered with many of my pics. You know what? I cant help but feeling like a child XD

"Ab sofort rollen die Künstler des Trierer Theater-Ensembles Tag und Nacht durch die Straßen der Stadt. Zwei Linienbusse der Stadtwerke Trier (SWT) wurden mit großflächigen Prints beklebt und zeigen bunte Spielszenen und Akteure der Trierer Theaterwelt. Zu diesem besonderen Anlass fand heute bei strahlendem Sonnenschein ein Pressetermin vor dem Theater statt. Foto v.li. Busfahrer Jens Korn, Oberbürgermeister Wolfram Leibe, Beigeordneter Thomas Schmitt, Verwaltungsdirektor Herbert Müller, Chefdisponent Marius Klein-Klute und SWT-Vorstand Dr. Olaf Hornfeck".